Desmond Tutu, Friend to Palestine

Desmond Tutu, Friend to Palestine

Desmond Tutu, Kier Starmer and the Friend of Jeffrey Epstein. Double Down News. (Jan 4th 2022). 

Andrew Feinstein’s exposure of the hypocrisy of the Labour Party right wing and British media with regard to Desmond Tutu’s lifelong championing of Palestinian liberation and BDS as Israel’s brutality and occupation mirrored and exceeded that in his native South Africa. 

Starmer’s Racism Exposed

Starmer’s Racism Exposed

Novara Media/Tysky Sour with Michael Walker and Barnaby Raine. November 19th 2021. (13 Minutes)

Barnaby Raine, a Jewish antiracist and peace activist, demolishes Keir Starmer’s hypocritical and racist depiction of what is happening in Palestine, telling Labour Friends of Israel that Zionists ‘made the desert flower’ – as if Palestinians didn’t know how to grow things for all the centuries they lived on the land. 

Heather Mendick on the Labour Party

Heather Mendick on the Labour Party

Heather Mendick. Oct 2021. (50 minutes.)

Heather responds to an investigation that the Labour Party is carrying out against her for ‘antisemitism’ and explains why left wing Jewish Labour members are so often accused of it. Along the way she unpacks some of the lies that have been told by so many journalists and politicians in the name of opposing antisemitism. To see the tweets listed in the Notice of Investigation by the Labour Party, follow this link:…

Santiago Rising

Santiago Rising

Santiago Rising Trailer: Nick MacWilliam. Alborada films. 2021 (I minute)

Santiago Rising takes place on the streets of Chile’s capital city in late 2019 as massive protests over economic inequality engulf the country. Santiago Rising meets social movements, protesters and ordinary people in their struggle for human rights. In October 2020, Chileans voted for a new constitution to replace the one imposed during the brutal Pinochet dictatorship. The film emphasises the role of music and art in political dissent. We also see the state’s failed attempts to crush the protest movement. 

Not The Forde Inquiry

Not The Forde Inquiry

Not The Forde Inquiry . Chris Reeves. 17 Oct 2021. (54 mins)

An inquiry into an attack on democracy at the heart of Starmer’s Labour Party. With Dorothy Walker, Graham Bash, Ken Loach and others falsely accused of crimes and misdemeanours in the ‘Labour’ Party. For more info email



Al Jazeera. The Listening Post. 12 June 2021. 25 min.

This impressive short documentary illuminates the extraordinary way in which Palestinian citizen journalists, together with human rights groups and international journalists outraged at the bias of their own corporate employers, have finally managed to expose to the entire world the awful daily inhumanity of the Israeli apartheid régime. The narrative has been reframed and there can be no going back.

Apartheid Adventures: Mekarot

Apartheid Adventures: Mekarot

MEKOROT: AN APARTHEID ADVENTURE Apartheid Adventures 2m 23′

A short film with a satirical edge which exposes the shocking treatment of Israel’s National Water Company to those not belonging to a certain ethnic-religious category.



As seen at IDFA, this AWARD-WINNING film documents the journey of Atalya Ben-Abba, a Conscientious Objector to conscription in the Israeli Defence Force. Objector follows Atalya to prison and beyond, offering a unique window into the Israeli-Palestinian conflict from the perspective of a young woman who seeks truth and takes a stand for justice.

Available to rent or buy online on Vimeo Subtitles available in 6 languages.

Being Human Now

Being Human Now

Wellcome Collection, 2021 (11 mins)

Stuart Shahid Bamforth’s moving series of interviews for the Wellcome Collection marks the year long anniversary of the pandemic and the effect it has had on the lives of the disabled, people of colour, teachers, mental health specialists, carers and nurses; stories that all of us can relate to despite the hollow words of our leaders. 

The Vigil for Sarah Everard

The Vigil for Sarah Everard

Double Down News, 2021 (5 mins) 

Labour MP Zarah Sultana breaks down while recounting her own experience as a woman and her reaction to the murder of and vigil for Sarah Everard, pointing the finger at Priti Patel and Cressida Dick and saying: ‘Having women at the top doesn’t mean women’s issues are going to be solved’. Change has to be more deep-rooted and profound. 

Labour Activists 4 Justice (No.7) – Chris Wallis

Labour Activists 4 Justice (No.7) – Chris Wallis

LA4J, 2021 (2 mins)

Chris Wallis has promoted antiracist and antifascist ideas throughout his 40 year career in the entertainment industry, including recording the autobiography of Nelson Mandela. He is accused of hostility or prejudice based on race or religion. The charges are based on definitions of antisemitism in a version of an antisemitism code of conduct that the Labour Party will not publish. Mr Wallis denies all the charges.

People’s Faces – Kae (formerly Kate) Tempest

People’s Faces – Kae (formerly Kate) Tempest

Dir. Natalya Lobanova, 2019 (4 mins)

English spoken word performer, poet, recording artist, novelist and playwright, Kae/Kate Tempest’s two year-old piece about the country falling apart and the desperation we all feel. But also the hope in people’s faces. 

The River Says “NO”

The River Says “NO”

Talking Wings, 2021 (10 mins) 

The PUCARL Collective (United Communities of the Antigua Watershed for Free Rivers) in Mexico has successfully defended the Antigua Watershed from large hydroelectric projects. But they remain vigilant, and continue to guard the river and water, the lifeblood of their land. For them one thing is clear, water is life and it must be protected. Activists also talk about the collective nature of their struggle and their rejection of a ‘leadership’ that can be picked off and isolated. 

The Fight for Mom’s House

The Fight for Mom’s House

Brandon Jourdan, Liberated Lens Collective, 2020 (13 mins) 

A short documentary about a group of homeless mothers who reclaimed a vacant house in Oakland, California, to provide safe housing for their children and to draw attention to the wider housing crisis. The house was owned by Wedgewood Incorporated, a real-estate company that specialises in flipping ‘distressed’ properties.

Blood On Your Hands

Blood On Your Hands

Captain SKA, 2021 (2 mins)

Captain SKA’s timely and powerful video about the incompetence and corruption of the Tory Government at the moment when it’s offering NHS workers a 1% pay rise. A biting and well directed indictment of the lies of the Prime Minister and the disconnect his entire team has with ordinary people in this country.

Israeli School Books

Israeli School Books

AlternateFocus, 2011 (28 mins)

Alternate Focus interviews Nurit Peled-Elhanan, author of the forthcoming book ‘Palestine in Israeli School Books: Ideology and Propaganda in Education’. Nurit Peled-Elhanan argues that the textbooks used in the school system are laced with a pro-Israel ideology, and that they play a part in priming Israeli children for military service.

Robeson at HUAC

Robeson at HUAC

Radio Play excerpt, 1988. Post and edit, 2019 (11 mins)

Paul Robeson, an actor, singer, civil rights activist, and communist laid the groundwork for the civil rights movement in the US and a witch hunt was started, while many African-American witnesses subpoenaed to testify at the House Committee on Un-American Activities (HUAC) hearings in the 1950s were asked to denounce Paul Robeson (1888–1976) in order to obtain future employment.

Black Panthers Palestine

Black Panthers Palestine

Jewish Voice for Peace, Rebecca Pierce, 2017 (13 mins) 

The film follows Moroccan Jewish activist and former Israeli Black Panther leader Reuven Abergel as he leads a tour of the Musrara neighbourhood in Jerusalem. Reuven recounts the history of the Israeli Black Panthers, a protest group started by Mizrahi Jews from the Middle East and North Africa struggling against Israeli state violence against their communities.

Gabor Maté on Disillusion

Gabor Maté on Disillusion

Pushback with Aaron Maté, 2019 (33 mins)

Physician, mental health expert, and best-selling author Dr. Gabor Maté, a survivor of the Nazi Holocaust, talks powerfully about the importance of disillusion, and, in particular, his disillusion with capitalism and Zionism as necessary conjunctures, offering a personal and historical perspective on anti-Semitism, Zionism, and Israel-Palestine.

Cancel Culture – For the Cancelled

Cancel Culture – For the Cancelled

Ronan Burtenshaw, DDN, 2021 (15 mins)

The editor of Tribune highlights the hypocrisy of our power-brokers and the people who have access to the media 24/7, complaining that their voices are being closed down. Meanwhile the voices of working class people, with no public platform, are being silenced.

Calais Children – A Case to Answer

Calais Children – A Case to Answer

Sue Clayton, 2018 (2 mins – trailer)

Calais Children is a live campaign by Sue Clayton. And the compelling 62-minute film follows the scandal of what happened to almost 2000 lone children who were in the Calais Jungle as it burned down, most of whom had a legal case to be in the UK.

Nostalgia for The Light

Nostalgia for The Light

Patricio Guzmán, 2010 (2 mins – trailer)

In Chile, at an altitude of 3,000 metres, astronomers from around the world gather in the Atacama Desert to observe the stars. The transparency of the sky is such that it allows one to look to the far reaches of the universe. The dry soil of the desert keeps human remains intact: those of mummies, explorers and miners. But also those of the prisoners of the Pinochet dictatorship, that some women continue to seek.

Labour Activist 4 Justice (No.6) – Mike Howard

Labour Activist 4 Justice (No.6) – Mike Howard

LA4J, 2021 (2 mins)

Mike Howard is Jewish member of the Labour Party, accused of antisemitism. He explains why he’s joining the legal action by Labour Activists for Justice (LA4J), a group of Labour Party members who have been caught up in the absurdities of Labour’s disciplinary processes.

Labour Activists 4 Justice (No.5) – John Davies

Labour Activists 4 Justice (No.5) – John Davies

LA4J, 2021 (2 mins)

John Davies is an actor in his late sixties, who has been falsely accused of antisemitism. Here John explains why he and other members have been forced to use the law to try and get justice in the Labour Party.

Tell Him We Miss Him – Jakub and In’am

Tell Him We Miss Him – Jakub and In’am

Dominika Blachnicka-Ciacek, 2015 (7 mins)

Dominika, a Polish academic and activist who has taught both in the UK and Poland, made a series of films about the Palestinian diaspora. Jakub and In’am tells the story of a man who owns a Kebab shop in a working class suburb of Warsaw, near where Dominika lives. He is barred from travelling back to his home in Beita, Palestine, to be with his wife, children and family.

Chomsky on Propaganda

Chomsky on Propaganda

Chomsky on Propaganda, BBC The Big Idea, 1996 (3 mins)

This short clip from Andrew Marr’s interview of Noam Chomsky shows the astounding moment when Chomsky patiently explains to a perplexed Marr why the systemic bias of the media does not require journalists to self-censor.

Frontera Invisibile

Frontera Invisibile

Nicolás Richat & Nico Muzi, 2016 (28 mins)

Frontera Invisible is the true story of Colombian communities trapped in the middle of the world’s longest war, in which big landowners’ rush for palm oil to produce ‘green’ fuel has displaced peasant farmers and indigenous people. It has destroyed natural habitats and concentrated land in the hands of the rich.

Everyday Borders

Everyday Borders

Orson Nava, 2017 (49 mins)

Everyday Borders tells the story of how increasing numbers of people are being obliged to act as border-guards in the communities where they live and work. As they go about their activities as employers, landlords, health workers, local government officials and educators they are being compelled to check the immigration status of people they come in contact with.

A Palestinian in Germany

A Palestinian in Germany

Daliah VK, 2020 (12 mins) 

A young German national, born of a Palestinian mother and Iranian father, talks about growing up in Germany, white feminism, and the violent Zionist Antideutsch movement that supports Israeli settler colonialism.

Labour Activists 4 Justice (No.4) – Colin O’Driscoll

Labour Activists 4 Justice (No.4) – Colin O’Driscoll

LA4J, 2021 (2 mins)

Colin O’Driscoll is a Labour Party member falsely and anonymously accused of antisemitism. His is the fourth of a series of interviews issued by Labour Activists 4 Justice (LA4J), a group of Labour Party members who have been caught up in the absurdities of Labour’s disciplinary processes.

Police Violence in France

Police Violence in France

Matthew Cassel, VICE News, 2020 (10 mins)

In June, while the U.S. took to the streets demanding justice for George Floyd, Parisians reignited their calls for justice for Adama Traoré, a Black man who died exactly 4 years ago while being detained by the French national guard.The rejection in France of ‘race’ as a biological category leads to its neglect as a socio-political category.

A Night at the Garden

A Night at the Garden

Marshall Curry Productions, 2017 (7 mins) 

In 1939, twenty-thousand Americans rallied in New York’s Madison Square Garden to celebrate the rise of Nazism. A Night at The Garden uses striking archival fragments recorded that night to transport modern audiences into this disturbing gathering.



Ashraf al-Nabil, Popular Arts Centre, 2020 (3 mins)

Jerusalema has become a truly global viral smash. This version of the video was shot in Palestine, and fuses traditional African (Cameroonian) dance movements with Palestinian folkloric dance (dabkeh).

Many Jewish Voices

Many Jewish Voices

Dror Shohet, Just Jews, 2020 (2 mins)

Many references are made to ‘the Jewish community’, but the Board of Deputies represents less than half of all British Jews, especially when it comes to Israel/Palestine. 

Labour Activists 4 Justice (No.3)

Labour Activists 4 Justice (No.3)

2021 (3 mins)

Jonathan Rosenhead is a retired university professor in his eighties. His is the third of a series of interviews issued by Labour Activists for Justice (LA4J), a group of Labour Party members who have been caught up in the absurdities of Labour’s disciplinary processes.

Does U.S. Want Assange Dead?

Does U.S. Want Assange Dead?

Aaron Bastani, Novara Media, 2021 (25 mins)

Yanis Varoufakis tears away the paper thin facade of US and British justice, condemning the cowardice of the media which first exploited Assange’s journalism and then indulged in a concerted character asssassination.

Child of Bethlehem

Child of Bethlehem

Stuart Shahid Bamforth & Zan Barberton, 2006 (18 mins)

What’s it like growing up in Bethlehem today? Shot by Palestinian children themselves, these self-directed vignettes show what it’s like to fall in love, fly a kite, and build a garden in a refugee camp.



Mira Awad, 2021 (4 mins) 

Palestinian singer Mira Awad celebrates her father’s 85th birthday, paying homage to her ancestors, while imagining their olive trees confined with barriers and bars. 

Antisemitism Weaponised Against Universities

Antisemitism Weaponised Against Universities

Orson Nava & Stuart Shahid Bamforth, Javelin Media, 2020 (3 mins)

Gavin Williamson is threatening cut funding to universities if they don’t adopt the IHRA definition of antisemitism. But the definition confuses antisemitism with criticism of Israel, and suppresses freedom of expression.

Labour Activists 4 Justice (No.1)

Labour Activists 4 Justice (No.1)

2021 (4 mins)

Labour Activist Number One is Diana Neslen, an 81 year old Jewish member of the Labour Party, accused of antisemitism. She tells her story, and why she’s been forced to use the law to get justice in the Labour Party.



Jon Pullman, 2019 (62 mins) 

Authoritative exploration of connections between attacks on Britain’s Labour Party, the ongoing tragedy of Palestine, and the wider struggle against race-based oppression. With dedication by Noam Chomsky.

Gaza Trilogy

Gaza Trilogy

Stuart Shahid Bamforth, Rayna Nadeem & seven young Gazans, 2009 (13 mins) 

A year after Operation ‘Cast Lead’ what effect did this have on the children? Despite never having used a video camera before, seven young people from Beit Hanoun made of this trilogy of films about their lives in Gaza.

We Teach Life, Sir

We Teach Life, Sir

Kes Sternchen, 2011 (4 mins)

Spoken-word artist, Rafeef Ziadah, wrote this poem while bombs were dropping on Gaza, in response to a journalist who said “Don’t you think it would be fine if you Palestinians just stop teaching your children to hate?”

On the Side of the Road

On the Side of the Road

Lia Tarachansky, Naretiv Productions, 2013 (1 hour 7 mins) 

Former West Bank settler Lia Tarachansky looks at Israelis’ collective amnesia of the fateful events of 1948 when the state of Israel was born and most of the Palestinians became refugees.

Labour Activists 4 Justice (No.2)

Labour Activists 4 Justice (No.2)

2021 (3 mins)

Michael Ellman is an 83 year old member of the Labour Party, falsely accused of antisemitism. His is the second of a series of interviews issued by Labour Activists for Justice (LA4J), a group of Labour Party members who have been caught up in the absurdities of Labour’s disciplinary processes.

Israel is an Apartheid State

Israel is an Apartheid State

Double Down News, 2020 (7 mins)

Andrew Feinstein argues that Israel is a racist apartheid state which has annexed Palestinian territories in violation of international law and granted citizenship on the basis of ethnicity. Many Jews oppose such discrimination. Is change possible? It happened in South Africa.

Gary Younge on BLM

Gary Younge on BLM

Double Down News, 2020 (11 mins) 

Gary Younge talks about the importance of the Black Lives Matter movement that, along with the Covid pandemic, has swept over nearly every community in the US, and beyond to cities and towns in Europe, India, Africa and South America.

Forgotten Past: The 43 Group

Forgotten Past: The 43 Group

Momentum, 2019 (2 mins)

Antisemitism in Britain did not end after World War II. The 43 Group of Jewish veterans took the fight to the fascists and defeated them. But the fight against far right racism continues.

Learning in Moria

Learning in Moria

ARTE Documentary, 2020 (14 mins)

In Moria refugee camp, home to 20,000 people, one young Afghan woman is helping others by teaching them English as they wait for a European residence permit that can take months, even years.

Art in The Jungle

Art in The Jungle

The Atlantic, 2019 (10 mins)

Refugee painters, calligraphers and film-makers in ‘The Jungle’ refugee camp in Calais talk about their life there, their hopes and dreams. Artists from Afghanistan, Iraq, Kurdistan, Sudan and Iran.  

World Hunger

World Hunger

Food Farmer Earth, 2020 (3 mins)

Vandana Shiva explains how food has become a weapon of war and how the world trade in food should be reconfigured to end world hunger.

In Lebanon

In Lebanon

France24 Global Grid, 2018 (5 mins)

Palestinians in Lebanon are often treated as second-class citizens. And now they’re threatened with withdrawal of funding to UNWRA, many services may no longer be available to them.

Green Gold

Green Gold

John D Liu, 2012 (45 mins)

“It’s possible to rehabilitate large-scale damaged ecosystems.” Environmental film-maker John D. Liu documents large-scale ecosystem restoration projects in China, Africa, South America and the Middle East, highlighting the enormous benefits for people and planet of undertaking these efforts globally.

There is a Field

There is a Field

Jen Marlowe & Peñasco Theatre Collective, Donkeysaddle Projects, 2018 (1 min)

A police officer shot and killed an unarmed a 17 year old boy. His story is tragically familiar for Americans, but Asel was not killed in the USA. He was a Palestinian teenager murdered by Israeli police for calling for an end to the occupation.

Shared Legacies

Shared Legacies

Shari Rogers, 2020 (3 mins – Trailer)

Many Jews stood alongside Black, Hispanic and Native Americans in the civil rights struggle, particularly after World War II and the Nazi Holocaust. This documentary traces the tradition to the present day, including Black Lives Matter and the participation of Jews of colour.

The Lies of the British Empire

The Lies of the British Empire

Double Down News, 2020 (7 mins)

Environment commentator and writer George Monbiot discusses the myths and lies that have been built up around the history of the British Empire, exposing how colonialism has affected the global south, laying the groundwork for exploitation to this day. 

Belly of the Beast

Belly of the Beast

Erica Kohn,  2020 (2 mins – Trailer) 

The treatment of black and brown women in ICE detention today echoes the way disabled, Roma and Jewish people were treated in Nazi concentration camps. Migrants in the US have been forcibly sterilised and had their wombs removed without any consent whatsoever.

Weaponization of Labour Antisemitism

Weaponization of Labour Antisemitism

Double Down News, 2020 (10 mins)

David Graeber on weaponization of antisemitism by the Labour right and Tories. There’s no single ‘Jewish community’, and there’s a long history of Jewish radicalism and antiracism. Criticism of Israeli policy is not antisemitic.

Moshé Machover

Moshé Machover

Just Jews, 2020 (2 mins) 

Moshe Machover,  a Jewish professor of mathematics, born in Palestine under the British mandate, explains how he didn’t join the British Labour Party for comfort.

From The Wings

From The Wings

Leo Van Emden, Roemfilm,  2014 (18 mins) 

A film about the Ayaam al Masrah Theatre Company, a young peoples’ theatre in Gaza City.



Mohamed Jabaly, 2016 (2 mins – trailer)

Raw, first-person account of the 2014 war in Gaza. A young man joins an ambulance crew as war approaches, looking for his place in a country under siege.

Causes & Effects of Climate Change

Causes & Effects of Climate Change

National Geographic, 2017 (3 mins) 

This short explainer film demonstrates the pressures that global emissions have been putting on our climate in the last 200 years, and reveals that carbon dioxide levels are higher than they’ve been for hundreds of thousands of years. What impact does this have on human health and society?

Love Israel, Hate Jews

Love Israel, Hate Jews

Matt Lieb, News Broke. 2018 (9 mins)

Jewish American presenter reflects on the irony of antisemitic leaders and influencers supporting Israel, and how that support is encouraged by the current Israeli government. 

Witchhunt 2020

Witchhunt 2020

Jon Pullman, 2020 (7 mins)

Follow-up to Pullman’s WitchHunt documentary about the smear campaign and McCarthyite attacks on antiracist black and Jewish Labour activist Jackie Walker.

Sue Lukes: Jewish Values

Sue Lukes: Jewish Values

Just Jews, 2018 (1 min)

Councillor Sue Lukes discusses Jewish diversity and why she was enthusiastic about a Corbyn-led Labour government.

The Stansted 15

The Stansted 15

Sue Clayton, 2017 (20 mins)

15 peaceful protesters put up a banner airport-side at Stansted airport to contest a deportation flight on which they knew were people whose cases had not been resolved, who faced grave danger on return to their home countries. What happened next is truly shocking.

Interview with Jo Bird

Interview with Jo Bird

Jon Pullman, Just Jews, 2019 (2 mins)

Labour Councillor, Jo Bird, on being a Jewish Labour Party member: “I’ve been made very, very welcome in the Labour Party, I feel at home here, it’s full of people who share my values.”

Young Jewish Activist

Young Jewish Activist

Just Jews, 2019 (1 min)

In this video Ben talks of his enthusiasm as a Labour activist, his experience of Corbyn’s Labour as welcoming, and his disconnect from the mainstream media narrative.

Permaculture The Documentary: How it Started

Permaculture The Documentary: How it Started

DogGoWoof Productions, 2019 (8 mins)

David Holmgren recounts how a chance meeting with Bill Mollison sprouted the idea that became permaculture. This short film is part of a longer film, Permaculture The Documentary, produced by Dogs Go Woof Productions.

Labour is a Safe Space

Labour is a Safe Space

 Jon Pullman, 2019 (2 mins)

Martin tells us how he came to join the Labour Party, and how he feels it is a safe and welcoming space for Jews. 

50 Years Ago, This Was a Wasteland

50 Years Ago, This Was a Wasteland

National Geographic, 2017 (8 mins)

50 years ago, fried chicken tycoon David Bamberger used his fortune to purchase 5,500 acres of overgrazed land in the Texas Hill Country. He devoted the rest of his life to restoring the degraded landscape. Today, the land has been restored to its original habitat and boasts

Farm Laws ‘Wapas Jao’

Farm Laws ‘Wapas Jao’

Poojan Sahil, 2020 (3 mins)

This is not a translation of the original Bella Ciao but just a rendition of it in Punjabi. Farmers from Punjab, Haryana, UP and across India are protesting against the Farm Laws at the Delhi Border. This song is in solidarity with them.

Greening The Desert

Greening The Desert

Al Jazeera, 2011 (4 mins)

Al Jazeera film about the Greening the Desert permaculture project in Jordan. For centuries the Jordan Valley was renowned for being one of the most lush and productive lands in the world. But years of over-grazing has left it arid. Now one permaculture expert is reversing this decline and turning the desert green again.

The Lobby (UK), Episode 1: Young Friends of Israel

The Lobby (UK), Episode 1: Young Friends of Israel

Al Jazeera. 2017 (25 mins)

Al Jazeera employs an undercover journalist, “Robin,” to reveal how pro-Israel groups sponsored by the Israeli government try to influence the politics of British youth and electoral outcomes in student organisations.

The Lobby (UK) Episode 2: The Training Session

The Lobby (UK) Episode 2: The Training Session

Al Jazeera, 2017 (26 mins) 

Undercover reporter “Robin” joins Israeli embassy delegation at Labour Party conference. Black Jewish Labour antiracist activist Jackie Walker is clandestinely filmed by pro-Israel lobbyists, then scurrilously targeted as an “antisemite” in a national media frenzy.

The Lobby (UK) Episode 3: Anti-Semitic Trope

The Lobby (UK) Episode 3: Anti-Semitic Trope

Al Jazeera, 2017 (26 mins) 

Undercover reporter films an exchange between the Chair of Labour Friends of Israel, MP Joan Ryan, and a Labour pro-Palestinian activist. Unaware the sequence had been filmed, Joan Ryan reports the activist to the Party, falsely accusing her of anti-Semitism.

The Lobby (USA) Episode 1: The Covert War

The Lobby (USA) Episode 1: The Covert War

Al Jazeera, 2018 (48 mins)

The Israel lobby’s offensive against the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement demonstrates the chilling vilification of Palestine solidarity students at the University of California, Davis.

The Lobby (USA) Episode 2: Managing Elites

The Lobby (USA) Episode 2: Managing Elites

Al Jazeera, 2018 (49 mins)

The influence of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) in Congress and, and the lobby’s attempts to get Tennessee legislature to suppress pro-Palestinian activism by creating hysteria about a wave of antisemitism which they knew did not exist.

The Lobby (USA) Episode 3: The Witch Hunt

The Lobby (USA) Episode 3: The Witch Hunt

Al Jazeera, 2018 (50 mins)

Shocking smear campaigns against Palestine solidarity activists, the exposure of real-estate mogul Adam Milstein as the primary funder, and the covert relationship between the US think tank Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Israeli government.

The Lobby (USA) Episode 4: Marketing Occupation

The Lobby (USA) Episode 4: Marketing Occupation

Al Jazeera, 2018 (49 mins)

Final episode. Lavish budgets, covert support of the Israeli government, and backing by messianic Christian evangelical preachers have enabled pro-Israel lobbyists to control the narrative. Yet all is not well.

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