Desmond Tutu, Friend to Palestine

Desmond Tutu, Friend to Palestine

Desmond Tutu, Kier Starmer and the Friend of Jeffrey Epstein. Double Down News. (Jan 4th 2022). 

Andrew Feinstein’s exposure of the hypocrisy of the Labour Party right wing and British media with regard to Desmond Tutu’s lifelong championing of Palestinian liberation and BDS as Israel’s brutality and occupation mirrored and exceeded that in his native South Africa. 

Starmer’s Racism Exposed

Starmer’s Racism Exposed

Novara Media/Tysky Sour with Michael Walker and Barnaby Raine. November 19th 2021. (13 Minutes)

Barnaby Raine, a Jewish antiracist and peace activist, demolishes Keir Starmer’s hypocritical and racist depiction of what is happening in Palestine, telling Labour Friends of Israel that Zionists ‘made the desert flower’ – as if Palestinians didn’t know how to grow things for all the centuries they lived on the land. 



Al Jazeera. The Listening Post. 12 June 2021. 25 min.

This impressive short documentary illuminates the extraordinary way in which Palestinian citizen journalists, together with human rights groups and international journalists outraged at the bias of their own corporate employers, have finally managed to expose to the entire world the awful daily inhumanity of the Israeli apartheid régime. The narrative has been reframed and there can be no going back.

Apartheid Adventures: Mekarot

Apartheid Adventures: Mekarot

MEKOROT: AN APARTHEID ADVENTURE Apartheid Adventures 2m 23′

A short film with a satirical edge which exposes the shocking treatment of Israel’s National Water Company to those not belonging to a certain ethnic-religious category.

Israeli School Books

Israeli School Books

AlternateFocus, 2011 (28 mins)

Alternate Focus interviews Nurit Peled-Elhanan, author of the forthcoming book ‘Palestine in Israeli School Books: Ideology and Propaganda in Education’. Nurit Peled-Elhanan argues that the textbooks used in the school system are laced with a pro-Israel ideology, and that they play a part in priming Israeli children for military service.

Black Panthers Palestine

Black Panthers Palestine

Jewish Voice for Peace, Rebecca Pierce, 2017 (13 mins) 

The film follows Moroccan Jewish activist and former Israeli Black Panther leader Reuven Abergel as he leads a tour of the Musrara neighbourhood in Jerusalem. Reuven recounts the history of the Israeli Black Panthers, a protest group started by Mizrahi Jews from the Middle East and North Africa struggling against Israeli state violence against their communities.

Gabor Maté on Disillusion

Gabor Maté on Disillusion

Pushback with Aaron Maté, 2019 (33 mins)

Physician, mental health expert, and best-selling author Dr. Gabor Maté, a survivor of the Nazi Holocaust, talks powerfully about the importance of disillusion, and, in particular, his disillusion with capitalism and Zionism as necessary conjunctures, offering a personal and historical perspective on anti-Semitism, Zionism, and Israel-Palestine.

Tell Him We Miss Him – Jakub and In’am

Tell Him We Miss Him – Jakub and In’am

Dominika Blachnicka-Ciacek, 2015 (7 mins)

Dominika, a Polish academic and activist who has taught both in the UK and Poland, made a series of films about the Palestinian diaspora. Jakub and In’am tells the story of a man who owns a Kebab shop in a working class suburb of Warsaw, near where Dominika lives. He is barred from travelling back to his home in Beita, Palestine, to be with his wife, children and family.

A Palestinian in Germany

A Palestinian in Germany

Daliah VK, 2020 (12 mins) 

A young German national, born of a Palestinian mother and Iranian father, talks about growing up in Germany, white feminism, and the violent Zionist Antideutsch movement that supports Israeli settler colonialism.



Ashraf al-Nabil, Popular Arts Centre, 2020 (3 mins)

Jerusalema has become a truly global viral smash. This version of the video was shot in Palestine, and fuses traditional African (Cameroonian) dance movements with Palestinian folkloric dance (dabkeh).

Child of Bethlehem

Child of Bethlehem

Stuart Shahid Bamforth & Zan Barberton, 2006 (18 mins)

What’s it like growing up in Bethlehem today? Shot by Palestinian children themselves, these self-directed vignettes show what it’s like to fall in love, fly a kite, and build a garden in a refugee camp.



Mira Awad, 2021 (4 mins) 

Palestinian singer Mira Awad celebrates her father’s 85th birthday, paying homage to her ancestors, while imagining their olive trees confined with barriers and bars. 

Gaza Trilogy

Gaza Trilogy

Stuart Shahid Bamforth, Rayna Nadeem & seven young Gazans, 2009 (13 mins) 

A year after Operation ‘Cast Lead’ what effect did this have on the children? Despite never having used a video camera before, seven young people from Beit Hanoun made of this trilogy of films about their lives in Gaza.

We Teach Life, Sir

We Teach Life, Sir

Kes Sternchen, 2011 (4 mins)

Spoken-word artist, Rafeef Ziadah, wrote this poem while bombs were dropping on Gaza, in response to a journalist who said “Don’t you think it would be fine if you Palestinians just stop teaching your children to hate?”

On the Side of the Road

On the Side of the Road

Lia Tarachansky, Naretiv Productions, 2013 (1 hour 7 mins) 

Former West Bank settler Lia Tarachansky looks at Israelis’ collective amnesia of the fateful events of 1948 when the state of Israel was born and most of the Palestinians became refugees.

Israel is an Apartheid State

Israel is an Apartheid State

Double Down News, 2020 (7 mins)

Andrew Feinstein argues that Israel is a racist apartheid state which has annexed Palestinian territories in violation of international law and granted citizenship on the basis of ethnicity. Many Jews oppose such discrimination. Is change possible? It happened in South Africa.

In Lebanon

In Lebanon

France24 Global Grid, 2018 (5 mins)

Palestinians in Lebanon are often treated as second-class citizens. And now they’re threatened with withdrawal of funding to UNWRA, many services may no longer be available to them.

There is a Field

There is a Field

Jen Marlowe & Peñasco Theatre Collective, Donkeysaddle Projects, 2018 (1 min)

A police officer shot and killed an unarmed a 17 year old boy. His story is tragically familiar for Americans, but Asel was not killed in the USA. He was a Palestinian teenager murdered by Israeli police for calling for an end to the occupation.

From The Wings

From The Wings

Leo Van Emden, Roemfilm,  2014 (18 mins) 

A film about the Ayaam al Masrah Theatre Company, a young peoples’ theatre in Gaza City.

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