The River Says “NO”
The River Says “NO” Talking Wings, 2021 (10 mins) The PUCARL Collective (United Communities of the Antigua Watershed for Free Rivers) in Mexico has successfully defended the Antigua Watershed from large hydroelectric projects. But they remain vigilant,...
Blood On Your Hands
Blood on Your Hands Captain SKA, 2021 (2 mins) Captain SKA’s timely and powerful video about the incompetence and corruption of the Tory Government at the moment when it’s offering NHS workers a 1% pay rise. A biting and well directed indictment of the...
Robeson at HUAC
Robeson at HUAC Radio Play excerpt, 1988. Post and edit, 2019 (11 mins) Paul Robeson, an actor, singer, civil rights activist, and communist laid the groundwork for the civil rights movement in the US and a witch hunt was started, while many African-American...
Black Panthers Palestine
Black Panthers Palestine Jewish Voice for Peace, Rebecca Pierce, 2017 (13 mins) The film follows Moroccan Jewish activist and former Israeli Black Panther leader Reuven Abergel as he leads a tour of the Musrara neighbourhood in Jerusalem. Reuven recounts the history...