Heather Mendick on the Labour Party

Heather Mendick on the Labour Party

Heather Mendick on the Labour Party Heather Mendick. Oct 2021. (50 minutes.)Heather responds to an investigation that the Labour Party is carrying out against her for 'antisemitism' and explains why left wing Jewish Labour members are so often accused of it. Along the...

Many Jewish Voices

Many Jewish Voices

MANY JEWISH VOICES Dror Shohet, Just Jews, 2020 (2 mins) Many references are made to 'the Jewish community', but the Board of Deputies represents less than half of all British Jews, especially when it comes to Israel/Palestine. 

Alexei Sayle – Jewish Comedian

Alexei Sayle – Jewish Comedian

Alexei Sayle - Jewish Comedian Just Jews, 2019 (2 mins) Comedian Alexei Sayle on how he loves being Jewish, and that there is nothing more establishment than hatred of Jeremy Corbyn.

Moshé Machover

Moshé Machover

Moshé Machover  Just Jews, 2020 (2 mins)  Moshe Machover,  a Jewish professor of mathematics, born in Palestine under the British mandate, explains how he didn't join the British Labour Party for comfort. For more information, click...

Sue Lukes: Jewish Values

Sue Lukes: Jewish Values

SUE LUKES: JEWISH VALUES  Just Jews, 2018 (1 min) Councillor Sue Lukes discusses Jewish diversity and why she was enthusiastic about a Corbyn-led Labour government.

Interview with Jo Bird

Interview with Jo Bird

Interview with Jo Bird Jon Pullman, Just Jews, 2019 (2 mins) Jo Bird, Labour Councillor for Bromborough and New Ferry, on being a Jewish Labour Party member: "I've been made very, very welcome in the Labour Party, I feel at home here, it's full of people who share my...

Young Jewish Activist

Young Jewish Activist

Young Jewish Activist Just Jews, 2019 (1 min) In this video Ben talks of his enthusiasm as a Labour activist, his experience of Corbyn's Labour as welcoming, and his disconnect from the mainstream media narrative.

Labour is a Safe Space

Labour is a Safe Space

Labour is a Safe Space  Jon Pullman, 2019 (2 mins) Martin tells us how he came to join the Labour Party, and how he feels it is a safe and welcoming space for Jews. 

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