

Yaba Mira Awad, 2021 (4 mins)  Palestinian singer Mira Awad celebrates her doctor father’s 85th birthday, paying homage to her ancestors and the soil they lived on, while imagining their olive trees confined with barriers and bars.  ← previous next...
Gaza Trilogy

Gaza Trilogy

Gaza Trilogy Stuart Shahid Bamforth, Rayna Nadeem & seven young Gazans, 2009 (13 mins)  One year after the Israeli military offensive Operation ‘Cast Lead’ rained down bombs on the people of Gaza, what effect did this have on the children? Film-makers Stuart...
We Teach Life, Sir

We Teach Life, Sir

We Teach Life, Sir Kes Sternchen, 2011 (4 mins) Rivetting performance by Rafeef Ziadah, a Canadian-Palestinian spoken-word artist and activist. She wrote this poem while bombs were dropping on Gaza, in response to a journalist who asked her “Don’t you think it would...
On the Side of the Road

On the Side of the Road

On the Side of the Road Lia Tarachansky, Naretiv Productions, 2013 (1 hour 7 mins)  Former West Bank settler Lia Tarachansky looks at Israelis’ collective amnesia of the fateful events of 1948 when the state of Israel was born and most of the Palestinians became...
Israel is an Apartheid State

Israel is an Apartheid State

Israel is an Apartheid State Double Down News, 2020 (7 mins) Andrew Feinstein argues that Israel is a racist apartheid state which has annexed Palestinian territories in violation of international law and granted citizenship on the basis of ethnicity. Many Jews oppose...
In Lebanon

In Lebanon

In Lebanon France24 Global Grid, 2018 (5 mins) This film recounts the situation of Palestinians in Lebanon. Treated as second-class citizens and now threatened with withdrawal of funding to UNWRA, many services may no longer be available to them, particularly as many...

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