Labour Activist 4 Justice (No.4) – Colin O’Driscoll
Labour Activist 4 Justice (No.4) – Colin O’Driscoll, 2021 (2 mins)
Colin O’Driscoll is a Labour Party member falsely and anonymously accused of antisemitism. His is the fourth of a series of interviews issued by Labour Activists 4 Justice (LA4J), a group of Labour Party members who have been caught up in the absurdities of Labour’s disciplinary processes.
Here Colin explains why he is joining the legal action by Labour Activists for Justice (LA4J). He gives the background to his story in Labour International CLP, and why he and other members have been forced to use the law to try and get justice in the Labour Party.
For more detail of this hugely important case, or to donate to our legal fund click the link here:
More coming soon…
Ridicuⅼouѕ story there. Whɑt occurred after? Thanks!